Agriculture Building
- $1,100.00
- Tent/Dry: $15.00/tent/night
- Full Hookup: $45.00/night
Cattle Barns (Per Barn)
- $10.00/head per day,
- Additional bedding fee: $10.00/head
- $600.00
Commercial Building
- $650.00
Donnelly Arena
- $250.00
Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center
- Dining Room: $500.00
- Sales Arena: $300.00
- Dorms (no linens): $8.00/day/person
- $150 minimum
FFA Building
- $650.00
- $2,600.00
Highway Gardens
- $200.00
Horse Barns
- $15.00 per day
Lowell Mohler Assembly Hall
- $1,000.00
Mathewson Exhibition Center
- $1,700.00
MFA Youth Livestock Arena
- $250.00
Missouri Electric Cooperatives Building
- $850.00
MO-Ag Theatre
- $800.00
Nucor Director’s Pavilion
- $500.00
Poultry & Rabbit Building
- $600.00
Sheep Pavilion
- 1 day barn rental: $600.00 plus $8.00 per pen
- 2 day barn rental: $500.00 plus $6.00 per pen
- 3 day barn rental: $400.00 plus $4.00 per pen
Swine Pavilion
- 1 day barn rental: $600.00 plus $8.00 per pen
- 2 day barn rental: $500.00 plus $6.00 per pen
- 3 day barn rental: $400.00 plus $4.00 per pen
Varied Industries Building
- $650.00
Womans Building
- $400.00
Plan Your Event
Interested in hosting an event on the Fairgrounds but aren’t sure which buildings are available? Visit the Facilities page to view all facilities.
Do you have an event planned and are looking for additional resources? We can provide recommendations for service partners, on-grounds services, FAQs and more!